Hunting in Karelia
We invite you to one of the most beautiful natural corners of Russia - Republic Karelia. The hunting grounds are located near one of the greatest lakes of Europe - Ladoga Lake. This place, is considered to be, the best for wood grouse hunting, black grouse hunting, brown bear hunting and goose hunting. The wood grouse and black grouse hunting has very high success rate. The hunting grounds are located in 100 km from «Capital of goose flight of Europe» the city-Olonetss. The quantity of migrating geese is about 1500 000 in the spring. We have 28 mating places of wood grouse and 25 mating places of black grouse in this territory. Woods are rich with game here; nobody leaves without a desired trophy. The team of skilled gides will make all that is necessary for this purpose.
Only here in the spring, in the northwest of Russia you can extract the most valuable trophy - a brown bear during the hunting tour on wood grouse, a black grouse, a woodcock, geese and ducks.
The brown bear hunting in Karelia in spring.
The spring is the best time for brown bear hunting in Karelia. You will have an extremely good chance for bear hunting during this period. Their coats are thick with winter fur, so the trophy quality of a bear the highest in this period. As to success, the better period not to think up. The bear wakes up hungry. Practically, he can find not a lot of meal in the nature in this period. In this territory 30 places for hunting on the bear will be prepared.
Professional guides are making baits near the special stands long before arrival of hunters. They inspect baits and then conduct hunter on those places, which are visited by a bear. Here all depends only on accuracy of the hunter. Average weight of bears of 150-200 kg, but sometimes we come across copies and on 300 kg. All depends on good luck of the hunter. You can see the result of brown bear hunting in spring of 2009 year, when two guests from Austria harvested two bears during one evening.
Combined hunting: wood grouse, black grouse and brown bear.
At such combination, hunting occurs as follows:
From 17.00 o'clock till 22.00 o'clock the bear hunting, then from 03.00 o'clock till 06.00 o'clock the wood-grouse and a black grouse hunting, at a successful harvesting of a bear - in the evening a woodcock, a goose, a duck hunting.
The Lodge and meals.
At the end of an exciting hunting day, the warmth and hospitality of lodge and staff offers the perfect atmosphere for much needed rejuvenation. In the cozy wooden house are available 3 double, 2 rooms for 4 persons and one single room with a shower and a toilet. There is a toilet room on each floor. There is a sauna, two shower rooms, two table halls and kitchen in the lodge. A brazier for shish kebabs situated on the yard. There is a place for zeroing weapons too. Living is provided with three meals a day.
Spring Hunting Dates: May 01st till May 10th.
The best period: the beginning of the spring hunting from 1st of May till 5th of May. The arrival of group in April 30 after 12 o'clock, departure at 5th of May before 12 o'clock.
Climate in spring: Usually, it is warm during the day-up to +15 C and cold in the night up to-10C.
Remoteness from the airports:
Sankt-Petersburg - 450 km, Helsinky-550 km.
Trophies: Wood-grouse, black grouse, woodcock, duck, goose, bear.
Hunting area : 150 000 hectares.
We have 28 currents of wood-grouse, 25 currents of black grouse and 40 oats fields.
The preliminary cost of tour.
The wood game tour with trophies including one wood-grouse, one black grouse.
Tour includes 5 nights of hunting, costs 1610 € for the hunter and 1000 € for accompanying without the hunting rights.
Into cost enters:
- Service of professional guide;
- Accommodation and meal;
- A trophy of a wood-grouse 1 x 200 euros = 200 €;
- A trophy of a black grouse 1 x 80 euros = 80 €;
- The permission to hunting (the license, a payment for hunting and game reproduction, the ticket for the foreign hunter) 1 person - 250 €;
- The import license of one rifle for person - 80 €;
- Hunting and cost of trophies for a woodcock, a duck, a goose (in passing, without special organization on a goose or a duck);
- The invitation to hunting;
Transport on hunting.
Charges, does not include in the cost of tour and be additionally paid:
The organization of hunting for a goose-100 € from the hunter a day;
The organization of hunting for a bear-100 € a day;
Cost of a trophy of a bear-1700 €, irrespective of the size of a trophy:
The wounded and not found bear considered wounded and harvested, and must be paid 100% (the presence of blood means that the bear is considered wounded).
Wound: a wood-grouse - 100 €;
Black grouse-40 €;
Missing: a bear-500 €;
Black grouse and wood-grouse-20 € for a trophy;
Tips for 1 trophy: a black grouse-20-50 €;
Wood-grouse-20-50 €;
Bear-100 €;
Medical and other insurance;
The cost of transfer (from St.-Petersburg or Helsinki to the Lodge, and back, for six persons) - 800 €;
Certificate CITES for export the trophy of a bear - 350 €;
The veterinary certificate for trophy export - 50 €;
Organizational gathering-100 € from the person (includes the international negotiations, the invitation for visa);
Cost of Visa;
Cost of air tickets;
Cost of excursions.
Residing and a food before hunting;
Packing and delivery of a trophy to the addressee;
Removal of a skin of a bear and evaporation skulls;
Rifle rent-50 € a day;
Cartridges - in fact;
Other personal expenses, not connected with hunting.
Copies of documents that necessary for invitation and permits for rifle.
Passport - the first page;
Hunting license;
license for rifle that you want to export;
home address;
date and place of birth;
Please take your attention on copies, they must be readable.
Terms of Booking Hunt.
• Documents has to be sent not later than 20th of February 2010.
• 500 € deposit per hunter is required for booking the hunt not later than
20th of February. All deposits are nonrefundable!
• The other payment shall be fully paid in the arrival day including the cost of bear trophy and transport. Final calculation shall be made in the last hunting day.
The clothes should be warm, waterproof and not rustling. Those who will go on a bear should have additional warm clothes. Take two complete sets of thermo linen, gloves, and high boots for passage of marsh sites. In addition, there should be a footwear low, waterproof for running hunting. Everyone should have a lantern, the one who will go on a bear - thermo flask. Take necessary medicaments, which you can require, with yourself. Certainly, do not forget video and photo equipment.
Quotations of the hunting during a season of 2009-2010
1. A bear (the length more than 170 sm) -1700 euro
2. Wound (in the presence of blood) -1500 euro
3. Miss - 500 euro
4. Veterinary Certificate -50 euro
5. The export permission for a skin and skull CITES-350 euro
1. Hunting with flags-500 euro
2. hunting from stands -400 euro
1. An elk on a roar (horns to 10 shoots) -1500 euro
For each additional shoot-100 euro
2. An elk hunting from the stand - 800 euro
Yearling-400 euro
1. Weight to 60 kg-250 euro
2. From above 60 sm, canines to 14 sm-400 euro
For everyone additional see-50 euro
1. A wood-grouse on a mating place in the spring-200 euro
A miss on a wood-grouse on a mating place - 100 euro
3. A wood-grouse in the autumn-150 euro
4. A black grouse on a mating place in the spring-80 euro
5. Miss - black grouse on a mating place -40 euro
6. A black grouse in the autumn-40 euro
7. Veterinary expertize-30 euro
Service of the huntsman for all kinds of hunting / days / foreheads for foreign hunters-100 euro
The permits in hunting for 1 person during the hunting season -6000 rub
Into permit cost enters: the Goose, the Duck, the Woodcock, the hazel grouse, the White partridge
An additional payment for foreign hunters:
1. The permission to hunting (the license, a payment for hunting and game reproduction, the ticket of the foreign hunter) -250 euro
2. The rifle Import license / for 1 person-80 euro
accommodation at minihotel for 1 person-1 day-50 euro
3 meals per day-50 euro
accommodation in the equipped tents for 1 person -1 day-10 euro
Spring from 15.04. Till 20.05
Autumn-winter from 08.08. Till 28.02.
All seasons
An elk hunting from the stands
From 01.09. Till 30.09
From 06.10. Till 06.01
From 01.08. Till 31.12.
Small GAME
Spring from 01.05. Till 10.05.
Autumn-winter from 22.08. Till 28.02