Brown Bear in Meshdurechensk
Hunting period : 03. 05. - 12.05
Way of hunting: on foot
Accomodation: hunting house
Size of the group : 2 - 3 hunters
1 Day arrival in Moscow, night flight to Novokuznetsk
2 Day arrival in Novokuznetsk, car transfer to Meshdurechensk, boat transfer to the area
3 8 Day 6 hunting days
9 Day transfer to Meshdurechensk,to Novokuznezk, overnight
10 Day flight to Moscow, departure
Wonded and lost animal - no refund!
Prices include:
1 Bear trophy, hunting guide service, all the transfers, accomodation and meals in the hunting area, trophy care in the area, interpreter per group/camp.
Prices do not include: flight tickets, personal items, hotel and meals in Moscow, Novokuznetsk and Meshdurechensk; exess luggage payment, non hunter fee, tips, taxidermy service in Moscow, trophy shipment.
* Prices for airline tickets are subject to be changed without special notes !!